
6月2日 (日)晴れ 朝14℃
アッバディーア・サン・サルヴァトーレAbbadia San SalvatoreからラディコーファニRadicofaniまで21km。
June 2 (Sun) Fine .  14 ° C in the morning.
Abbadia San Salvatore is 21 km from Radicofani.
05:40 departure.  A cheerful fawn jumped in front of me this morning.
The sunrise is beautiful.
About 1 hour from the hotel to the village of Salvatore.  From there, on the way to the next apartment, the historic village of
Radicofani is 15 km to buy foods.
I can see something like a tower at the top of the mountain far away.I get down to the fort and walk for a while on the road leading to Rome SR2. The road sign shows the distance to Rome. From there it is up to Radicofani.I walk one step a step in strong sunlight.I can only see uphill but I have a bad feeling.I wonder if I climb like a tower on the top of that peak?
The village of Radicofani was a festival.  It is a lovely village.



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