
5月31日 (金)晴れ 朝8℃
モンタルチーノMontalcinoからカスティリオーネドルチャCastiglione d'Orciaまで21km。
May 31st (Fri) Sunny.  8 ° C in the morning
21 km from Montalcino to Castiglione d'Orcia.
I left at 6 am.  It is cold in the morning on the mountain. A young deer jumped and crossed near the stream.
Today, I walked over mud and hills and mountains.  I got lost on the way and passed through the vineyards and somehow got back on the way.I finally go down the last mountain and aim for the destination village.
At that time, I can see the castle on the top of the mountain in front of me and the buildings on the side.
I thought it wasn't a destination because it was about 4 km remaining.That's right.
Also, I climbed a tough mountain road today and went to the village on the top of the mountain.I was exhausted.  But the scenery was great again.


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