
6月12日 (水)晴れ 朝18 ℃日中28℃
 ラストルタLa StortaからバチカンVaticanoまで18km。06時00分出発。
幹線道路の 巡礼路にも歩道があり安心して歩けたし草の中の道も整備されていてとても楽でした。
June 12 (Wed) Sunny morning 18 ° C Daytime 28 ° C
18 km from La Storta to Vaticano.
 Departure 06時00分
 I pray to Mary for the safety of today's journey.  There was a sidewalk on the pilgrimage route of the main road, and I could walk with peace of mind, and the road in the grass was well maintained.
 I wanted to arrive at the Vatican in the morning so I got a pilgrimage certificate, so I walked hard. I arrived before 11 o'clock.
 A runner with a torch started running, but is it related to the Tokyo Olympics?
 I received a pilgrimage certificate safely.
 This time, I left Narita on April 1 and started walking from Arles in France, but returned temporarily on April 16.  It resumed from Genova on May 17.The walking distance is about 800 km.  I throw away my worn shoes and buy a new sneaker.  My feet are light.
 I will go to the Vatican Museum tomorrow and visit the Sistine Chapel, a long-awaited wish.


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