
6月18日 (火)晴れ 
 シチリア島に渡る前の駅ビラサンジョバンニVilla San Giovanniでフェリーに車両を2 両に分けて入れます。昔見学した青函連絡船を思い出します。乗客は船のラウンジに行き短い船旅を楽しみます。
  June 18 (Tuesday) Sunny
 I will go to the Church of Our Lady of Tears in Syracuse, southeastern Sicily.
 As it is far from Naples Station to Siracusa, it is a 5-hour and 45-minute trip from Naples Station to Messina Station in Sicily.This time is the only direct driving.09: 50 The scheduled departure is delayed by 30 minutes.It is normal in Italy.
 I will stay overnight in Messina today.
 At the station in front of the island of Sicily, at Villa San Giovanni, put the trains on the ferry in two train cars.
 I remember the Seikan Ferry that I had visited before. 
 Passengers go to the ship's lounge and enjoy a short boat trip.

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