
6月11日 (火)晴れ 朝18 ℃日中27℃
 カンパニャーノディローマCampagnano di RomaからラストルタLa Stortaまで18km。
 06時00分出発。巡礼路が分からずMAPS.MEの道案内でスタートするが不安がいっぱい。前半は調子良かったが中盤に突然道路にゲートが出現。人は通れたので一安心。線路沿いの草むらを歩いているとMAPS.MEの道は草茫々のためけなくなった。轍がある方を選んだが結局道はなくなった。仕方なく道路のある方角に向かって草むらの中を歩くことにした。長い足を精一杯持ち上げて草を踏みしめながら歩くが靴の中に容赦なく麦穂のようなチクチクするものが入り込むしすり傷は出来るし最悪。最後に3mくらいの崖を下ってやっと道路に到達。今日は楽勝かと思ってたらまさかローマの手前でこんな目に合うとはまさに『This is  Camino.』だ。
 June 11 (Tuesday) Sunny.  Morning 18 ° C Day 27 ° C 
18 km from  Campagnano di Roma to
La Storta. 06:00 departure time
I don't understand the pilgrimage route and start with the MAPS.ME route guide but I am full of anxiety. The first half was fine, but suddenly a gate appeared on the road in the middle. This gate is safe because people can pass through. As I was walking on the grass along the track, the MAPS.ME road was no longer filled with grass. I chose the one with the habit, but in the end the way was gone.
I had no choice but to walk in the grass towards the direction of the road.
I walked while raising my long legs and stepping on the grass, but in my shoes, bruises like wheat ears plunged into my shoes, and I could scratch them and it was the worst. Finally down the cliff about 3m finally reach the road. If I thought it would be easy today, it would be "This is Camino."

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