
皆さま今まで長い時間お付き合いしていただきありがとうございました。おかげさまで怪我も病気もせず無事に帰国出来ました。何より皆さまのコメントに元気を貰えたのがパワーになりました。これでカソリックの2つの巡礼路のサンチアゴ・デ・コンポステーラとローマバチカンのVia Francigena(ヴィーア・フランチージェナ)を征しました。
June 28 (Fri) 29 (Sat)  Return home
14 € to the airport by a dedicated train for the airport from Rome Termini Station. There was a ticket gate at the time of getting on and off the train, and there was a ticket inspection in the train.When I got off at the airport station, there was an indication to terminals 1, 2 and 3 and I went to terminal 3.  The check-in counter goes to the bulletin board after checking the Singapore Airlines desk number 337.A total of 22 hours and 30 minutes in 3 hours from Rome to Narita via Singapore Transit.Aeroflot did not have good food and service.
Thank you very much for your long time relationship.  I was able to return safely without any injuries or illness.Above all, it was the power to get enthusiasm from everyone's Facebook comments.Now I have conquered Santiago de Compostela and Via Francigena in the Roman Vatican in two of the three pilgrimage routes of Catholic.
For a while, I will work to put a head on future life planning.
When I settle down, next I will walk from Paris, France to Santiago de Compostela or think about a pilgrimage to Greece.


June 27 (Thu) Sunny
Today is the last day of Rome.  First of all, it is the Trevi Fountain that will be the second time thanks to throwing a coin.  It is a huge number of tourists.
Next is Pantheon.  It is just amazing that this building is made of concrete invented in ancient Rome.I crossed the bridge over the Tiber and climbed to the highest point of the Castle of Sant'Angelo to overlook Rome.
It seems that it is connected with St. Peter's Basilica of the Vatican by a passage.
I met a couple from Ise City at a supermarket near the hotel.  It looks like the last day of the tour.  It was fun to talk Japanese for a long time.


6月26日 (水)晴れ 日中38℃
 イタリアを統一したヴィットリオ・エマヌエーレ2世記念堂に行きました。屋上までエレベーターで10€。ここからローマを一望します。H & Mで9.99€のポロシャツを買いスペイン広場に行きました。凄い観光客です。暑さでクラクラしたので一休み。1リットルの生ビールがあっという間に胃の中に吸い込まれました。
 June 26 (Wed) Sunny.  Daytime 38 ° C
 I get off at Colosseo Metro Station and head to Piazza Venezia while looking at the ruins of Foro Romano on the left.
 I look down on Foro Romano from Piazza del Campidoglio, once in the center of ancient Rome. I went to the Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele Ⅱ, which unified Italy.
 10 € by elevator to the rooftop.  I overlook Rome from here.
 I bought a 9.99 € polo shirt in H & M and went to the Spanish square. There are a lot of tourists.I could not stand the heat and took a rest.
 One liter of draft beer was sucked into my stomach in no time.



6月25日 (火)晴れ
教会の隣には『聖なる階段』スカラサンタScala Santaがあります。
June 25 (Tuesday) Sunny
First of all, I walked from Termini Station and went to the Cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore in The Virgin of the Snow.  Officially Vatican. A Virgin appeared in the dream of a couple and the pope, and recommended that the church be built where it snows  The church was built in a hot, snow-covered place in August. The Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano is the church where Constantine had first sanctioned Christianity in 314 and donated to the pope.
Next to the church is the "Sacred Step" Scala Santa. This step was once found in the official residence of Roman Governor Pilate, who ordered the execution of Christ. After climbing the stairs, Christ was sentenced to death. It was transferred from Jerusalem to Rome by Constantine's mother, Saint Elena.
It has been reduced by the use of believers for many years on the marble steps.The believers climb using their knees, praying one by one. It took about 1 hour because it takes about 2 minutes per step. My knees were sore, sore, and it was hot enough to sweat and fall. By the way, there are also stairs that you can walk up on both sides.
I found Nissin cup chow mein at the supermarket.  It is 1.66 €.  It was cheaper than the local suspicious guy.  Tears came out to the effect of so much.  I will buy again tomorrow.  Food homesick.




6月24日 (月)晴れ
 June 24 (Mon) Sunny
 I will return to Rome!  Four and a half hours from Bari to Rome.The hotel in Rome wanted to be away from the noise and made it the third stop of the station Bologna from Termini station by underground line B.
 Tomorrow I will go to the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Our Lady of the Snow and the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano with the Holy Steps.
 AV8302 ROME TERMINI  0717    3


6月23日 (日)晴れ
 June 23 (Sun) Sunny
 The morning in Tarant is humid due to the warm sea breeze.
 Today I was planning to go to a hotel run by a Japanese woman in Castellaneta, 40 km west of Taranto, and I made a request for accommodation yesterday, but no reply.
 So I booked the hotel in Bali Bali facing the Adriatic Sea.There is a contact late in the evening and she doesn't notice the email and the accommodation is full.  I was looking forward to it.  It has become a sad memory.  I want you to know the availability status early.
 It is said that Napoleon's brother-in-law made a new city in front of Bari Station.  Walk about 15 minutes and I will find the old town facing the sea.It is uneasy whether I can go to a hotel by a maze exactly in the old town.  But I am excited.