
四国お遍路⑬ 3/14 28番札所大日寺,29番札所国分寺 Shikoku Pilgrimage 13th day March 14. 28th temple Dainichiji, 29th temple Kokubunji

フランス人のヨネからミモザについてメールが入りました。ヨネありがとう❗『The yelow  flowers french name is MIMOSA  grow at the coast (french riviera,st tropez to Nice) a litle bit here.I like it so mutch!』
写真②一昨日同じ宿だったオランダ人姉妹。左がジャネットで右がジョアンナ。二人がくれた名刺の裏に書かれた言葉にまじ感動❕😂『Come on and walk with me, come on and talk with me. Tell me your stories so we can learn. Come on and walk with me, come and be still with me.  Let our souls meet. 』
Mail entered for Mimosa from French Yonah. Thank you, Yonah!
『The yelow  flowers french name is MIMOSA  grow at the coast (french riviera,st tropez to Nice) a litle bit here.I like it so mutch!』
Photo① Eric of the Australian who repeatedly met with Mr. Hagimori at the Zenkonyado.
Mr. Hagimori is a famous person who is safe and cheap Zenkonyado.
Eric speaks Japanese almost perfectly but he thinks he is a pilgrim fellow of Santiago so he will speak in English.
EriC and I are excited about being talked about Santiago and it's fun.
Photo  ② Dutch sister who was the same lodging the day before yesterday. Jeanette on the left and Joanna on the right.
I was impressed by the words written on the back of the business cards that they gave me.
『Come on and walk with me, come on and talk with me. Tell me your stories so we can learn. Come on and walk with me, come and be still with me.  Let our souls meet. 』
Photo ③ Scenery on the way to Kokubunji.
Photo ④ Pass through the mountain gate of Kokubunji and head for the main shrine

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