
5月21日 (火)小雨後晴れ
ローマへの道のThe Via Francigenaは山道かと思いましたら今日も平坦な道でした。町を抜け郊外を抜け畑を抜けまた町みたいな感じです。カマイオーレと言う小さな町に着きました。宿泊場所はOstello di Camaioreです。巡礼者向けのホステルです。教会の敷地内です。今回初めて6人部屋です。でもイタリア人の年配者とカナダから来た女性の3人だけです。料金は20€でキッチンを使うと3€払います。でも快適です。
May 21 (Tuesday) Fine weather after the rain
Camaiore 23 km from Massa.
The Via Francigena on the road to Rome was a flat road today, even if it was a mountain road. It's like going through the town, passing through the suburbs, passing through the fields, and going back to town.
I arrived in a small town called Camaiore.
The accommodation is Ostello di Camaiore.  It is a hostel for pilgrims.It is in the grounds of the church.This is a six-room room for the first time .The only guests are Italian seniors and women from Canada.
The charge is 20 € and I pay 3 € using the kitchen.  But it is comfortable.

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