
5月30日 (木)曇り 朝12℃
ルチニャーノダルビアLucignano D'arbiaからモンタルチーノMontalcinoまで21km。
May 30 (Thursday) Cloudy, Morning 12 ° C
21 km to Montalcino from Lucignano D'arbia.
When I finally walked up the long hill and finally reached the top there was one more mountain. I can see a building at the top of the mountain. The map app MAPS.ME very much tells me that today's hotel is on the summit. Incredible!
I imagined a small village, but it was a great tourist destination with a castle and a big church.


5月29日 (水)曇り後雨 朝11℃
シエナSienaからLucignano D'arbiaルチニャーノダルビアまで18km。
May 29 (Wednesday) Cloudy After Rain, Morning 11 ° C
18 km to Lucignano D'arbia from Siena.
I left Siena at 07:00 looking at the Campo Plaza. Today I met five pilgrims who wanted to go to Rome. The road sign also has the name of Rome. There are many pilgrims on the muddy road. Suddenly, lightning, heavy rain and hailing came down around noon.
Although the rainy season is November, it rains almost everyday. It's cold because I put on short pants.



5月28日 (火)曇り後時々雨 朝14℃
コッレ・ディ・ヴァル・デルザColle de Val d'ElsaからシエナSienaまで25km。
May 28 (Tuesday) Rain sometimes after cloudy.  14 ° C in the morning
25 km to Siena from Colle di Val d'Elsa.
Water pool from the morning.  I will be rewarded.
The pilgrimage route passes through the fortress of Monteriggioni.
The scale was not big, but there were restaurants and souvenir shops.
After this, I could not find a road for about 40 minutes and finally walked on the main road.
There is no sidewalk, so it is dangerous.
I left at 06:00 AM and arrived at Siena at 14:30.  I was pretty tired.
Siena has a population of around 53,000.





5月27日 (月)曇り 朝13℃
ガンバッシ・テルメGambassi Termeからコッレ・ディ・ヴァル・デルザColle de Val d'Elsaまで24km。
今日もいくつもの丘と山を超えました。朝までの雨で山道はぬかるんで靴は泥まみれです。途中山の上の村サン・ジミニャーノSan Gimignanoを通りましたが世界中から観光客が来てました。コッレ・ディ・ヴァル・デルザも旧村の中心地はやはり山の上でした。
May 27 (Mon) cloudy, morning 13 ° C
From Gambassi Terme to Colle de Val d'Elsa  is 24 km.
Today, I crossed several hills and mountains.
The road is muddy by the rain until morning and the shoes are covered with mud.
On the way I passed the village San Gimignano on the mountain, tourists came from all over the world.
The center of the old village of Colle de Val d'Elsa was also on the mountain.





5月26日 (日)小雨 17℃
サンミニアートSan Miniatoからガンバッシ テルメGambassi Terme25km。
May 26 (Sun.) Small rain 17 ° C
 Gambassi Terme 25 km from San Miniato.
 I left at 5:30 in the morning.I like the air of this time before dawn.
 I just go over many roads and hills like mountain ridges.
 Gambassi Terme is also a village on the mountain.The road is like a maze.



5月25日 (土)晴れ
ガッレーノGallenoからサンミニアートSan Miniatoまで18km。
May 25 Saturday  fine
18 km from Galleno to San Miniato.
I met the rabbit twice.I remembered Portuguese rabbit food.
It looks delicious!
San Miniato is a village on the mountain.
There was a huge church and there was just a wedding.

5月24日 (金)曇り後腫れ
May 24 (Fri) Sunny after cloudy
21 km from Galloca to Galleno.
I walked slowly as it was about 21 km today.
The way of wood leakage is good.
Galleno village from here.
One person in a quadruple room for € 22.95.
This week, it has been said that I and another Japanese have stayed for the past two years.It is the best hotel on this trip.